Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Supreme Court Update 3 - GM Day

Today is the day.

Marriage is one of the bedrock civil institutions in the United States (and pretty much the whole world, actually). Although we leave it to the states to regulate, we have a national marriage problem. Some people, legally married in their own state, risk losing their fundamental rights when they travel to other states. Rights like hospital visitation, making medical decisions, divorce, inheritance, and parenting. Having all these different states’ rights is causing injustice, most problematically with the Constitutional guarantee of equal protection under the law. But it’s a problem with a pretty simple solution, really. Marriage in one state must be recognized and equal in all states.

And the way to do that is not to take away fundamental rights already earned, it’s to extend those rights to everyone.

The Supreme Court has the chance today to set things right. The chance to be on the forefront of a change that’s already coming and inevitable. The Court has traditionally been on the cutting edge of civil rights throughout our history. Striking down the Defense of Marriage Act and extending same sex marriage rights to all Americans would not be outside the scope of their powers or of history. It might be stressful for some today, but it would end the fighting so we could move forward. Plus, it’s just the right thing to do.

Less than one hour to go. Here’s hoping.

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