A reminder of who they are

Sunday, August 28, 2016

College and Festivals and Gaming, Oh My.

I think we're finally through with the busiest weekend we've had in a long while. Whew!

First up, we took Ben to college. Yikes.

He's attending York College of Pennsylvania as a music and recording major. We drove him up on Friday morning, arriving just after 8 AM. The upper-class RAs were lining the road as we drove in, cheering. Other RAs were standing by to help unpack his stuff and in short order we were setting up Ben's room. His roommate, Conrad, arrived while we were out getting last minute stuff at Target so by the time we got back to the room, his half was set up too. Conrad is an accounting major and it seems like they'll get along fine.

On the way home, Carol and I stupidly ignored Google Map's desperate attempts to get us to take another route and we got stuck in Baltimore traffic. What should have been a 90 minute drive home took 3 hours. Ugh.

On Saturday and Sunday, we attended showings of two of Rachel's student films at the 2nd Annual Global Impact Film Festival held at the beautiful Renaissance Hotel near Gallery Place in DC. The festival is a pretty small event so far, which is a shame because they showed a bunch of great short films, but we enjoyed seeing Rachel's films with an audience. They had a Q&A after each and Rachel spoke and answered questions.

Afterwards on Saturday we drove north and played games for several hours with one of our gaming groups.

 So it's been a lot for one weekend and very tiring. But Ben is all set up at school and Rachel is getting ready for her Richmond theatre adventure. Very soon Carol and I will be empty nesters. Then we'll have a lot of time to fill.

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