A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

For the record - Passing Obamacare

The next time you hear someone say that the Democrats "crammed Obamacare" down our throats, point them here.
To set the record straight on that, House Democrats had 79 hearings, with 181 witnesses, working on the legislation for seven months. That’s after President Obama spent weeks and weeks in private and public meetings with stakeholders. The Senate held 53 hearings, and committees spent nearly 60 hours over 13 days debating and crafting the legislation. In September and October of 2009, the Senate Finance Committee worked on the legislation for eight days, the longest time a bill has spent in mark-up in two decades. In the process, it looked at more than 130 amendments and had 79 roll-call votes. On top of that, the full Senate debated the ACA for 25 straight days. In the middle of all this, President Obama had a seven-hour summit on the bill with congressional members.  Link
Compare that to the recent 18 day fiasco that was the failed attempt to pass Trumpcare. Then tell them to stuff it.

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