Sunday, November 26, 2017

This weekend in Dumb-Stupid

I was going to do a whole post about the "President's" Tweets this weekend, but someone already did at the Daily Kos.  I'll just leave this here.
• On Saturday, the theoretical President of the United States attacked our free press in a way that would have been unheard of in past years.
• He followed up by promoting, to his 43.4 million followers, a transparently malevolent conspiracy theory site. Consider, for a moment, that the man theoretically in charge of our nation's nuclear arsenal and military forces apparently lacks the mental capacity to distinguish between real and hoax news sites. Now consider that House and Senate Republicans continue to protect, defend, and endorse this obviously unfit imbecile.
• He spent Sunday morning calling for the election of a pedophile, declaring that his not-pedophile opponent "WANTS TO RAISE TAXES TO THE SKY." Again, this is an actual supposed president saying this. It might as well become the Republican Party motto, at this point: We'll support actual child molesters if they'll help us cut a rich man's taxes. Go ahead, embroider it onto a pillow. Pedophiles unite.
• He then lied about his own influence in Alabama because of course he did.
The rest of the article is here.

Click any of the links if you want to experience the idiocy first hand.

And if you think the Tweets made sense, he said this on Thursday in a Thanksgiving speech to the Coast Guard.
I'll also take questions. Should we leave the media here to do the questions or should we tell the media? It's Thanksgiving. Let's let the media stay. Anybody have any questions about the country, how we're doing or any of those things? Wow. I love it when you don't. That means you're doing great. I love that. That's the greatest. The press I know doesn't have any questions. If you do, we won't take them but that's alright. The press has plenty of questions.

The Navy, I can tell you, we're ordering ships, with the Air Force I can tell you we're ordering a lot of planes, in particular the F-35 fighter jet, which is like almost like an invisible fighter. I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, "How good is this plane?" They said, "Well, sir, you can't see it." I said, "But in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, they're fighting. How good is this?" They say, "Well, it wins every time because the enemy cannot see it. Even if it's right next to them, it can't see it." I said, "That helps. That's a good thing."
The articulateness is just stunning. I'm so proud.

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