Tuesday, December 05, 2017

I'm sure this will end well

Our idiot President is about to unleash a huge conflict in the Middle East.
Donald Trump appeared on the verge of formally recognising Jerusalem as the “capital of Israel”, in a move that would upend decades of US presidential diplomacy and could trigger unrest across the Middle East.
King Abdullah issued a statement telling Trump that such a decision would have “dangerous repercussions on the stability and security of the region” and would obstruct US efforts to resume Arab-Israeli peace talks..
There is absolutely NO reason to do this. NONE. ZERO. No one else recognizes Jerusalem as the capital and we've had our embassy in Tel Aviv for decades where it didn't inflame hundreds of millions of people who have an actual investment in Middle East peace. This will piss off millions of people for absolutely no gain on our part.

Why is Trump doing it? Probably because he's a moron who has no understanding of the situation or the consequences and some dumbass told him it would be a good idea. There is NO serious thought behind this. 

And people will die because of it.

You want to know how I really feel?


ahtitan said...

Well, he probably figures he won't be impeached during a war.

Eric Haas said...

Definitely a bad move, but the blame goes well beyond Trump for this one. Congress voted to move the embassy to Jerusalem in 1995, and confirmed their commitment to move it in 2003. And they reconfirmed it again in June of this year.

Ipecac said...

I understand the point. But every President since 1995 has deferred recognition with the understanding that it would destabilize the region and get people killed. Trump approached this the way he approaches everything; his only thought given to how it makes him look. He didn't do any deep research on this, he doesn't understand the complicated dynamics of the issue, and he even went against the advice of his cabinet.

Congress may have enabled the President to do this, but Trump made the decision because he's a know nothing moron who wants to see his name in the newspaper.