Monday, December 04, 2017

Maybe Republicans tell time in dog years?

Let this stand forevermore, a testament to how full of crap the Republicans have been over the last 8 years, claiming that Obamacare was "crammed down out throats." Not shockingly, the Republicans are IMMENSE hypocrites.

Here's a timeline by Michael Linden comparing the newly passed Republican "Tax Reform" scam bill that will give huge tax breaks to the rich while raising taxes on the poor and preparing America to gut the Medicare and Social Security safety nets, to Obamacare.

Click to embiggen.

The timeline for Obamacare is eleven months. The "Tax Reform" bill timeline is five weeks. Only one of these two legislative packages was "crammed down" anyone's throat and it wasn't Obamacare.

Here are a few more facts about the passage of Obamacare (ACA):
The ACA made it out of committee in the House of Representatives in July 2009, after a month-long markup and 160 Republican amendments. The House didn’t vote on it until November 7th.
In 2010, the Senate health committee spent nearly 60 hours over the course of 13 days marking up the legislation that would become the ACA.
The Senate Finance Committee held 53 meetings about the ACA and an eight-day markup of the bill, which was the longest markup for the committee in over 20 years. The committee considered 130 amendments and held 79 roll-call votes.
There were 44 hearings and public events about the plan in the Senate alone.
The Republicans held NO hearings and allowed NO Democratic amendments before passing the "Tax Reform" bill that will raise the debt by $1 trillion. They will undoubtedly use the increased debt as an excuse to gut Social Security and Medicare.

Don't ever vote Republican. They're liars, they're hypocrites and they HATE you.

1 comment:

Tony said...

It's not politically correct to say mean things about Republicans. Part of the reason they are so awful is that they get very self-conscious when anybody criticizes them. So they double down and become even worse. That's why Trump is now president. Because of all the mean liberals speaking up and noticing the many many Republican bad ideas.

Apparently, the way to combat this is to stop pointing out blatant racism, rampant hypocrisy, childish lying, lame sophistry, logical fallacies and other transgressions so they won't be so self-conscious and they will all somehow become honest rational, decent, sane human beings again.

I must admit that I'm a little dubious about this plan. The So-Called Liberal Media has been experimenting with it for decades with no success whatsoever.