Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Xmas

Just a reminder that the stupid, fictional "War on Christmas" never existed. It was just a lie spouted by Conservatives during the Obama Administration to somehow make people hate President Obama.

Nevertheless, one of current President Numbnuts only accomplishments this year is that he has somehow solved this NON-EXISTENT problem. America First Policies, a nonprofit started by former Trump campaign aides, is even paying money to air a commercial over the holidays to thank the Orange Menace for solving a problem that IS NOT ACTUALLY SOMETHING THAT EXISTS.

(I'm not going to embed the stupid ad, but you can see it here if you like.)

As far as the War on Christmas, I'll just leave this.

1 comment:

Eric Haas said...

Well, now that he's solved this non-existent problem, maybe conservatives will finally shut up about it? … Maybe? … Probably not.