Americans fear the wrong enemy. I wonder why?
According to the latest data from Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, white supremacists were responsible for more than half of the 34 fatalities linked to domestic extremists of all stripes last year, claiming 18 lives in 2017.
That represented a reversion to the long-term trend; right-wing violence had accounted for the largest share of domestic-extremist related killings every year from 1995 until the Pulse nightclub shootings in 2016. Global totals may tell a very different story, but in the United States far-right extremist murders far exceed those carried out by Islamic extremists over the last decade: 71 percent of all murders were carried out by right-wing extremists, and 26 percent can be linked to Islamic extremists. Link
America is becoming great again!
THE UNINSURED RATE WENT UP IN 2017 — That's according to a new Gallup survey that found the uninsured rate among U.S. adults was 12.2 percent last year, up from a record-low 10.9 percent in the last quarter of 2016.
— It was the biggest one-year jump in a decade. Gallup has been tracking adults' uninsured rate since the start of 2008, and it peaked at 18 percent in late 2013 — right before the ACA coverage expansion began. The uninsured rate then steadily fell between 2014 and 2016, as the Medicaid expansion kicked in, other ACA provisions took effect and the Obama administration heavily promoted the law. Link
And finally, you know why Trump hasn't mentioned Puerto Rico lately? Because he thinks he solved the crisis by throwing paper towels at people. Heck of a job Trumpie!
You'll note that full power is still not restored. The Hurricane Katrina response devastated W. Bush's inept Presidency. Why is Trump getting a pass, media?
In 2018 Muslims make up 1.1% of the American population. 24% of the population identifies as conservative. If you want to go off statistics alone then it makes total sense that 1% of the population causes less crime than 24% of the population. The crazy thing is a group who makes up 1% of total population caused 26% of murders and you put this statistic up like it shows they don't do anything bad.
Now statistics aside not all Muslims are bad, not all conservatives are bad, and not all liberals are bad. People like you trying to spread hate are bad.
Now onto your love of Obamacare. Yes there is a large jump in the uninsured population. Obama made it illegal to not carry insurance. But the ones Obama's law hurt we're the poor and middle class. People who worked jobs that didn't offer insurance we're forced to purchase expensive private insurance plans or risk high penalties for not complying. The problem is people with money already had insurance so Obamacare became a tax on the poor and forced struggling families to pay for benefits they couldn't afford.
You have such a love of being considered a liberal that you don't care who you hurt. Obviously you sit on a high horse and look down at everyone else.
This is what ignorance looks like...
I don't need liberal news articles to educate myself I can do my own research without blindly following news media.
Yes some people were better off but if you really believe charging the poor and middle class thousands in penalties for not carrying insurance that they didn't use caused harm then you really just blindly follow without thought. You can't talk about the people it helped while ignoring the thousands it hurt. And this might surprise you but I am for nationalized healthcare, but doing it the right way not by penalizing the poor and middle class.
Also thank you for clearing it up about Muslims your right all the Muslim violence in the world that is constantly on the news is not to be believed. It's just a few bad apples.
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