A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Never forget this.
[T]he problem isn’t “Washington.” It isn’t “Congress,” either. The problem is elected officials from a single political party: the GOP.

Republicans in the White House and Congress are the ones standing in the way of helping “dreamers.” They are not merely obstructing gun reform but also rolling back existing gun-control measures.
You’d never know it from the usual “blame Washington” rhetoric, but there are lots of common-sense policy changes, on supposedly unsolvable issues, that large majorities of voters from both parties support.  Link
Also, no surprise here; this is monstrously callous.
Just 45 miles from where the mournful families broken by the latest school shooting laid their loved ones to rest, the President of the United States slipped on a white polo shirt, put a matching white cap on his head and set out for the golf course.

The President arrived at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach shortly after 9 a.m. Monday, and was there two hours later as 14-year-old Alaina Petty’s friends and family filled a Coral Springs Church and talked about her smile. 


Democrats spread hate daily said...

If Democrats would build the wall to help secure our border and try to control this problem for future generations then DACA would be passed, but instead they would rather play with people's lives and go "we need a clean DACA bill with nothing else attached". Why not shore up our border to make sure we don't have to deport future generations of illegal aliens?

Also as a side note Mexico is against a border wall with the united states even though they have erected several fenced areas with their border to Guatemala...

Ipecac said...

1) We have a border wall and we have a secure border. Our border is more secure than it's ever been. The idea that our border is unguarded and open is just propaganda.

2) What does DACA have to do with the wall? Nothing. This is a Trump-manufactured crisis in an attempt to hold actual lives hostage for political gain. The DACA issue has huge bi-partisan support from the public, plus it's the moral thing to do, so why not just pass a clean bill and end the uncertainty for thousands of people? Why attach any baggage to it? Answer: Because Republicans want to use children as hostages to pass unpopular provisions (like a mythical "border wall").

DACA Support 87% FAVOR - http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/369487-poll-nearly-nine-in-10-favor-allowing-daca-recipients-to-stay

Wall Support 57% OPPOSE - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/3/16959458/immigration-trump-compromise-public-opinion-poll-dreamers-wall

Your side note does not actually reveal any hypocrisy. I'm pretty sure ALL countries have some border fences/walls.

Ipecac said...

From my comment: "We have a border wall"

Sorry, let me clarify. We have walls along some parts of the border. We have fences along some parts of the border. We have natural barriers (rivers, mountains, deserts) along some parts of the border.

We do not need any new walls. The idea of America having a wall like the Great Wall in China is stupid.

Democrats spread hate daily said...

When you have hundreds of people crossing the border illegally everyday I don't think I would call it a secure border. And thank you for correcting yourself about the border wall, I do agree we already have a lot of wall, fence, natural barrier and I don't know that more wall is the answer. But I also don't know that it is not the answer.

What does DACA have to do with the wall? It's a two pronged approach make the DACA situation right by passing a bill giving a path to citizenship, but at the same time shore up the border so in 10 - 20 years we are not in another DACA situation. And I don't know if you follow politics much but both parties usually do a give and take where they each get something but not everything they want. You just believe that you have a moral higher ground so you should get what you want with no compromise.