Monday, October 08, 2018

A stain on the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Country

The Anita Hill hearings during the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court confirmation in 1991 were a travesty. They've gone down in history as the prime example of a bunch of arrogant, elitist men's contempt for women, destroying the reputation of a woman who was sexually harassed but courageously came forward to prevent her harasser from becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

And now we've done it again with Brett Kavanaugh, but this time it's worse. Because now we should know better. Have we made no progress on women's issues in the last 27 years?

Christine Blasey Ford, showing more courage than any of the Republican Senators on the Judiciary Committee who had to hire a woman to ask questions for them, lest they looked like the misogynists they are, was completely believable when she testified that Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her in high school. She was honest and compelling.

Brett Kavanaugh's testimony was not only unbelievable, but belligerent, aggressive, petulant, arrogant, and entitled. He also verifiably lied numerous times.

The FBI's hamstrung "investigation", which didn't even extend to interviewing the two principal parties, was a joke, solely intended to provide cover for Republicans to vote for Kavanaugh. It was yet another debasement of law enforcement in this country by the President and Republicans.

And of the many, many Republican spins on this, the idea that Dr. Ford was attacked, but that she's got the wrong guy, is not only insulting, but actively evil.

What message does this send to the women and girls of America and the rest of the world?

Here's the thing:

Even if Dr. Ford was mistaken (she isn't)
Even if Brett Kavanaugh didn't try to rape her (he did)
He still shouldn't be on the Supreme Court because of his diatribe during the hearing, where he threatened Democrats with retribution and blamed the accusation in part on the Clintons. Any way you slice it, this should be disqualifying for a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. But Republicans want power more than they want to govern morally, so now we're stuck with this guy for decades.

Oh, and in case you thought that any of this penetrated the thick skull of our Molester in Chief:
“Now they’re thinking about impeaching a brilliant jurist, a man that did nothing wrong, a man that was caught up in a hoax that was set up by the Democrats,” Trump told reporters. [...]  “It was all made up, it was fabricated, and it’s a disgrace,” Trump concluded. “And I think it’s really gonna show you something come November 6th.”
Trump has gone from "She was credible" to this was a hoax set up by the Democrats and a disgrace.

It's a disgrace all right, just not the one he thinks it is.

Let's show HIM something come November 6.

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