The Wall Street Journal

Friday, August 30, 2019

Donald *does* consist of 6 letters

I was brought up in the Methodist church, which is a very mainstream, uncontroversial Protestant sect.  When I was in junior high school, however, I had a Sunday School teacher who went outside of standard Methodist beliefs and was really interested in the book of Revelation and stories of the end times.  He knew all manner of fascinating prophesies and the idea of being alive to watch all of it unfold -- the Anti-Christ, the rapture, the end times, the second coming -- made me feel part of something huge. It was the ultimate conspiracy theory and made sense to my young mind.  I was really into it for a while.

Of course, now I know that it's nonsense, and not only that, but a huge con. The details supposedly spelled out in the Bible were made up in the 19th century.

But even now, millions of Americans still strongly believe in the Christian mythology of the end times. Mostly evangelical, much of their support of Israel is based on Israel's role in the Armageddon myth. (Spoiler: it doesn't end well for the Israelis).

Here's my question.  Given the above, and Trump's statements that he's the "Chosen One" and retweeting idiots who say he's the "King of Israel" and more popular with Jews than "the second coming of God" . . .


For eight years they accused no-drama-Obama of being the Anti-Christ, but Trump gets a pass?  What the hell does he have to do?  Committing adultery with porn stars and imprisoning children isn't enough for them?  If Trump's hairpiece came off and people saw "666" on his scalp, evangelicals would claim it was "999".

My thirteen year old self would TOTALLY have believed that Trump was the Anti-Christ.

Just saying.

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