A reminder of who they are

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Aron Eisenberg

Aron Eisenberg, the actor who played Nog on Deep Space Nine has died at the age of 50. By all accounts, Aron was a great, funny, caring human being and the news has hit the Trek universe pretty hard.

When DS9 started, the Ferengi were little more than a bad joke, made so by their ridiculous appearances on Next Gen. But DS9, thanks to good writing and wonderful actors, made the three resident Ferengi, Quark, his brother Rom, and Rom's son Nog, into complex, relatable characters. Nog started out the series as little more than a street urchin, but he grew through his friendship with Jake Sisko and eventually became the first Ferengi to join Starfleet. Nog's character arc is one of the most developed, wonderful and beautifully acted arcs in all of the Trek series.

Farewell, Aron. I wish I had known you. You live on in each of us who shared your wonderful gifts.

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