A reminder of who they are

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's not over yet, but today is a good day

ImpeachedPresident says what?


The Giver of the Law said...

It says American is an ocean of lies, hypocrisy, bizarre double standards and absurd nonsense. Trump is no different from anyone else ! ! !.

Ipecac said...

Nope. Not even close. If you think that all Presidents act this way, that's your cynicism, not reality. The very last President we had did NOTHING like any of this crap.

And, here's the thing, even if others have done this, that doesn't make it right. You should ask for and expect better. Trump lies every day to the American people. That alone should be enough to throw him out.

The Giver of the Law said...

But Ipecac my old mate, the interesting thing is that lies, hypocrisy, ludicrous nonsense and double-standard orientation bull- shit seem to be a vitally important part of the American way of life, Americans seem to enjoy wallowing and revelling in them, but then when a President comes along who genuinely wants to join them in their ocean of idiotic absurditys and weirdness they apparently dont want to know, it's almost as though everyone in America is suffering from a bizarre combination of OCD and Asperger's syndrome with a side order of rage and bitterness thrown in for bad measure (as it were).

Ipecac said...

I will actually agree with you to a point on this; some Americans do want this. The difference I take with your comment is that a majority of Americans voted against this man and oppose what he's doing. That suggests that most of us don't enjoy wallowing in the bullshit.