A reminder of who they are

Thursday, January 09, 2020

Iran and the U.S.

Want to get a good sense of where the United States is from a national security perspective vis a vis Iran and how we got to the brink of war?  Click on the Tweet above and read the thread. 

To say it's eye-opening isn't entirely accurate because you should have suspected this by now. To say it explains A LOT is more accurate.


The Giver of the Law said...

Completely irrespective of Whether Trump is thrown out in the next couple of months or whether he loses the election in November i guarantee you that with-in a few months (perhaps weeks!) of him being ousted vast numbers of Americans (and yes, that includes your good self Ipecac) will be saying "Come back Trump, all is forgiven". And like i said, thats a 100% guarantee ! ! !.

Ipecac said...


Here's what I think of Trump: I hope he walks into the blades of Air Force One as he leaves the White House in chains. So yeah, no.