A reminder of who they are

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Out Sick

Last Friday night, I started to feel a little under the weather. We were out at some friends playing games when I noticed my throat feeling funny. By the time we were home and I had crawled into bed, I was shivering uncontrollably. On Saturday, now feeling fully terrible, we had other friends over for gaming in the afternoon, and then went to see a RUSH tribute band, Sun Dogs, that evening. Drugged up, I managed to get through both, but it was rough.

Yes, I caught a cold. Nothing serious, certainly not the flu, but for the next five days I had a cough, congestion, general aches and a fever. Because of the three day weekend, I only missed work on Tueday (yay?) and am just today feeling almost 100%.

It's been years since I've actually called in sick to work -- I just don't get sick. But there is apparently a very contagious bug going around. Several other people I know have also fallen ill. I'm sad that I missed getting anything done over the weekend, but it was kind of restful just laying around all day for several days straight.

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