The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

ImpeachedPresident says what? - The economy

Yesterday, an idiot Tweeted:
Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing.
(Pretty sure he doesn't know what quantitative easing is.)

I'll just leave this here:


Norbert Weisner said...

Ipecac, In November if the American people will be voting specifically and only to get Trump out of office doesn`t that make a total nonsense of the entire electoral process and turn it essentially into a petty and infantile fiasco ! ?.

Ipecac said...

Yes, getting rid of an incompetent, corrupt, nasty piece of work who cares only for himself and has done all manner of damage to this country and the world "makes total nonsense of the entire electoral process."

Sheesh. Do you really think that's a reason to re-elect this monster? That's your argument?

There are many good candidates on the Democratic side worth getting your vote, who are smart, caring and will do right by the American people.

Norbert Weisner said...

No, what i`m saying is it seems odd that when the people vote in November they`ll be doing so primarily out of rage, bitterness, hatred, spitefulness and general negativity in virtually all areas just to edit a specific geezer who they have progressively become more and more disapproving of over the last 3-and-a-half years out of the picture (as it were), where-as they wont really give a damn who replaces him just as long as Trump isn`t in charge any more. I perhaps naively thought that when people voted it was after a long and careful consideration of all the candidates and then there-by hopefully electing the best person to take America forward into a great and prosperous future (which i still genuinely believe Mr. Trump is doing however much you disagree), where-as, like i said, on November 3rd they`ll just be randomly ticking any box as long as it isn`t Trump, literally like 250 million morons who dont know their arses from a-hole-in-the-ground.

Ipecac said...

"they`ll be doing so primarily out of rage, bitterness, hatred, spitefulness and general negativity in virtually all areas just to edit a specific geezer"

Bullshit. I don't think you're paying any attention. Trump is a TERRIBLE President who has done nothing for this country except damage, debase and humiliate it. That's why people are voting for someone else. He is literally hurting this country every day in countless ways.

"electing the best person to take America forward into a great and prosperous future "

ANYONE will be better than Trump. ANYONE.

That being said, any of the Democrats running, even Bloomberg, will do an infinitely better job.

But then if all you're looking for is an ignorant, racist asshole who only cares about himself, I guess you might think Trump is doing a good job. (And seriously, I have posted stuff on this blog, in Trump's own words, with no spin whatsoever, that you should be embarrassed to support and which would have cost any other President their job. The fact that you think he's doing a good job says a lot about your standards and perception of reality.)