The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, March 04, 2020


Yet another foreign policy triumph!
In 2015, Iran had generated enough highly enriched uranium to construct a nuclear weapon. Then President Barack Obama worked together with a coalition of nations to press Iran into an agreement that not only enforced the highest level of inspections ever required, but forced Iran to actually surrender the uranium it had already enriched. And from that date forward, Iran did not have enough material on hand to create a weapon.
Until now. Thanks to Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran agreement, Iran has once again enriched enough uranium to build a bomb. 
Iran has the bomb again! Good times.

Thanks, Trump.


Otis Young said...

'The Giver of the Law' simply spaketh the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth yet you still deleted him.

SJHoneywell said...

The next time "The Giver of Law" speaks the truth, it'll be the first time, and it'll be accidental.

Ipecac said...

The only time I delete "The Giver of the Law's" comments are when you (1) impersonate other users, and (2) go on about sex and old Hollywood stars. I don't delete you when you speak on topic and semi-coherently.

Otis Young said...
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SJHoneywell said...

Tell ya what, Hoss--it's not a good look when you claim to be ultimate truth in a sentence with a comma splice.