Thursday, April 23, 2020

Who could have seen this coming, said the frog to the scorpion

Welcome under the bus, Gov. Kemp.
(CNN) -- President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both called Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Tuesday night and expressed support and praise for the Republican's move to reopen businesses in his state starting Friday, a source familiar with the call said. Trump later said the opposite -- that he told Kemp he disagreed "strongly" with the decision. [...]
Trump and Pence complimented Kemp on his performance as Georgia governor, the source said. Another person familiar with the call said it went well.
But the President said during Wednesday's news conference that he told Kemp he disagreed "strongly" with the governor's decision to reopen some businesses in his state.
Trump will turn on anyone and will eventually turn on everyone, if he thinks it will make him look good. And he's a horrible judge of what makes him look good.

He has no loyalty to anyone. To him, loyalty comes to him, but doesn't flow from him.

Thousands of people are now dead because Trump is President.

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