The Wall Street Journal

Monday, June 22, 2020

It could have been so much better

How many needless Covid-19 deaths were caused by delays in responding? Most of them
Due to exponential viral spread, our delay in action was devastating. In the wake of the U.S. response, 117,858 Americans died in the four months following the first 15 confirmed cases. After an equivalent period, Germany suffered only 8,863 casualties. Scaling up the German population of 83.7 million to America’s 331 million, a U.S.-sized Germany would have suffered 35,049 Covid-19 deaths. So if the U.S. had acted as effectively as Germany, 70% of U.S. coronavirus deaths might have been prevented.  STATNews
There are many ways that Presidents get Americans killed, as many policy positions (safety standards, healthcare funding, military use) can influence mortality. But incompetence and a depraved indifference to human life, prioritizing political standing over actual people, should NOT be one of them.


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