Thursday, October 28, 2021

Legislative Frustration

The current state of Democratic economic, infrastructure and safety net legislation, President Biden's Build Back Better plan, is chaotic, depressing and deeply, deeply frustrating. The Democrats have a long list of incredibly popular and useful ideas that would make life better for millions of Americans, including greatly reducing child poverty and fighting climate change, but passage of the Bills is currently in doubt because America is being jerked around by Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who really suck and are hurting their own constituents. They deserve a lot of scorn.

But keep this in mind. 


It's very easy for the media to write "Dems in disarray" articles and blame Democrats. But it would literally take only two Senate Republicans to pass these measures. None will because they don't want to help Americans, they want to hurt Biden. They want to move us further into a fascist, authoritarian system run exclusively by Republicans. It's all about power for them.

If these popular programs don't pass, the answer isn't to toss out the Democrats and elect Republicans next year, because Republicans sure as hell aren't interested in governing. They aren't interested in helping people. The answer is to elect more Democrats so we can ignore Manchin and Sinema and help Americans, despite Republicans.

Vote Blue no matter who.

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