Thursday, March 10, 2022

Expert opines on important world events

The President of the United States is briefed and advised throughout their administration by top experts in foreign affairs and the military (usually). By the end of their administration, they are pretty knowledgeable and subsequent Presidents will often consult them on certain issues.

Then there's the former guy, who actually had the exchange below on the "Full Send" podcast. They were talking about Ukraine. Remember that. Ukraine.
Forgeard: "What do you see happening next then? 'Cause it seems like the tensions are high. How does this all end? Is this going to be like a long-term thing? How do you see it unfolding?

Trump: "Well, and I said this a long time ago, if this happens, we are playing right into their hands. Green energy. The windmills. They don't work. They're too expensive. They kill all the birds. They ruin your landscapes. And yet the environmentalists love the windmills. And I've been preaching this for years. The windmills. And I had them way down. But the windmills are the most expensive energy you can have. And they don't work. And by the way, they last a period of 10 years and by the time they start rusting and rotting all over the place, nobody ever takes them down. They just go on to the next piece of prairie or land and destroy that."

Windmills. What's going to happen in Ukraine? Windmills suck.

Someone needs to take this guy for another mental evaluation. Pretty sure this time he won't be able to identify "camel."

Everyone who voted for this dipshit should be eternally embarrassed.

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