Monday, March 07, 2022

Take this quiz! You won't believe the answer to number four! (answers included)

Which major American political party is currently:

supporting white nationalists?

attacking vulnerable LGBTQ folk?

encouraging insurrection against the United States?

cheerleading Vladimir Putin in his war against Ukraine?

restricting voting rights, America's most fundamental right?

banning books?

working to eliminate the right of women to make their own health care decisions?

preventing the passage of laws designed to help poor and middle class children and families?


being huge babies about simple public health measures designed to save lives?

If you answered the Republican party to each of these, you're right!  Also, duh.

Remarkably, all of the above have happened just within the last month. (As well as over the last bunch of years). Republicans bring nothing to the table. They stand for nothing but racism, favoring the rich, division, hatred and anti-democratic policies. Vote against them at all levels, every single election. They've demonstrated time and again that they're not responsible leaders, uninterested in governing, and should be nowhere near the levels of power.

Seriously, what's the appeal here if you aren't a bigoted, anti-gay, theocratic, white nationalist?

1 comment:

SJHoneywell said...

Ten years ago, I'd vote for both parties. Today? I'll never vote for someone with an (R) next to their name again.