Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Decisive Action

RWNJ Texas Governor Greg Abbott had this to say about the shooting today at a Texas Elementary School.

"What happened in Uvalde is a horrific tragedy that cannot be tolerated in the state of Texas. There is swift action being taken by local law enforcement," he told reporters.

This statement is utterly meaningless. 

This "horrific tragedy" will be tolerated. It has been tolerated all over the country. No action can be taken by local law enforcement that will mean anything to the victims' families. The shooter is dead so there will be no justice. 

There is only ONE way to even slow the rate of this happening again, and it's reducing the availability of guns so that damaged people can't get them. Of course, there are so many guns in this country already, it's way too late for even that to make much of a dent.

Fixing this problem will take decades for conservatives (and other gun-lovers) to grow the hell up, stop being cowardly assholes, and act like they belong to a peaceful society in which people don't need to be able to kill their neighbor at any moment. 

Maybe if they believed their own bullshit holy book they might be able to change, but they clearly don't.

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