Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Hope is kindled


Looks like American democracy had a good day last week. The Democrats held the Senate, swept the election-deniers running for various Secretaries of State and Governors, and may still hold the House. although that now looks unlikely. Still, things could have been far, far worse.

Of course, as some have said, many Americans are really, really stupid, and continue to believe lies, moronic lies, and damned lies, while voting against their own self-interest to elect cynical, hateful morons, all to own the libs. That in itself is disheartening and bodes ill for the future. Fortunately, they didn't win this year and there may still be time to reverse America's destructive course. It also looks like we may have avoided immediate political violence, but who knows if that will hold?

While still hoping for some good news in the remaining House races, and that Senator Raphael Warnock returns to the Senate in next month's Georgia runoff, we can at least, for now, breath a sigh of relief.

And of course, now Trump is running again for President. He likely believes this will continue the grift and keep him out of jail, but he's never been very smart. At the very least, it will be fun watching Republicans tearing each other apart at this latest development.

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