The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Democrats, Pay Attention!

This is brilliant. Mayor Pete is always good at this.

Democrats take note. There are a LOT of good communicators in the Democratic Party. Take advantage of them to spread the news about what Democratic government does for the American people.

That's how we win. (And also because the Republicans are fucking fascists.)


SJHoneywell said...

The problem is manyfold:

1) Nuance doesn't sell.
2) Fascists don't care about truth.
3) Bluntly, Dems always govern as the minority party.

Ipecac said...

Can't disagree with that.

Democrats, including President Biden, are always governing like Republicans will listen to reason. They bring a knife to a gun fight.

There are some signs, including Buttigieg, that they've learned their lesson, however. It's our only hope.