The Wall Street Journal

Friday, September 15, 2023

Food is overrated anyway

One of the more appalling positions taken by the current Republican party is the legislative push AGAINST programs providing free breakfast and lunches for schoolchildren. Such programs have shown to have excellent results. Free food programs cost little and children who eat regularly are healthier and have improved learning results. Such programs also avoid the stigma of poor kids getting sub-par or no lunches. Of course, Republican-controlled red states are actually passing BANS on providing free breakfast and lunches for schoolchildren.

In case you were wondering, this also extends to providing any poverty assistance for children.

The U.S. Census Bureau says that child poverty in this nation skyrocketed last year. Child poverty rates in 2021 had reached an all-time low of 5.2%. In 2022, however, that number soared to 12.4%.

The reasons child poverty in the United States more than doubled in a single year are not disputed. It’s because of the expiration of the Republican-hated expanded child tax credit and the shift away from providing direct monthly payments to at-risk families.


So there you go. We discovered a way to slash the number of children in poverty by over half, quick and simple. Then we stopped because Republicans and Sen. Joe Manchin demanded we stop. It won’t be enacted again so long as the same pro-coup Republicans are in control of the House and can stop it.

(Of course, right-wing Democratic Senator Joe Manchin is also against feeding children.)

Meanwhile some blue states have already passed free school food for all.

As a reminder, U.S. taxpayers pay approximately $20 BILLION to hugely profitable oil and gas companies every single year. But better that than those mooching kids get a free bologna sandwich, am I right?

Stop saying that both parties are the same. That's bullshit. And stop voting for people who don't care if your children starve.

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