by Euderion on DeviantArt

Saturday, September 02, 2023

SNL's Slide

I follow a lot of TV and movie news, and often read the comment threads. One thing I would really, really, really like to stop is people saying, "Saturday Night Live hasn't been good since X" where X is whatever cast they grew up with. This happens literally every time Internet people discuss modern day SNL.

Here's the deal. SNL premiered on October 11, 1975. I guarantee you that when the second episode premiered a week later, there were already people going on about how "SNL hasn't been good since last week."

Of course, comedy is subjective and also very tied to its time. While the original cast of SNL created something amazing and groundbreaking for American television, most of those early shows are not really funny today.

And surprise, Jane Curtin agrees with me

1 comment:

SJHoneywell said...

I'm with her. Tried to watch some season 1 SNL a few years ago, and it's unwatchable.