I always felt the same way about pecan pie, until I got a bit older and actually tasted it. It's absolutely delicious IN SPITE of the fact that it's covered with nuts. Nuts are ruiners.
When pizza was first introduced in the US, before the word "pizza" had been adopted into English, Italian immigrants referred to it as "pomidore pizza". This was translated as "tomato pie".
I'm 100% with you on pecan pie. Vile.
I always felt the same way about pecan pie, until I got a bit older and actually tasted it. It's absolutely delicious IN SPITE of the fact that it's covered with nuts. Nuts are ruiners.
When pizza was first introduced in the US, before the word "pizza" had been adopted into English, Italian immigrants referred to it as "pomidore pizza". This was translated as "tomato pie".
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