The Wall Street Journal

Monday, January 22, 2024

What do you give a "billionaire" who has everything?

Jesus H Fucking Christ.

Florida's Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis announced today that he is supporting State Senator Ileana Garcia's bill SB 1740 to create a "Florida Freedom Fighter's Fund" to provide millions of dollars to fund Trump's criminal defense legal team. 

One day after Ron Desantis drops out of the presidential race, the push is on to use state resources and funding to finance a private citizen's legal defense in criminal cases. While tens of thousands of indigent Floridians are represented by Public Defenders with massive caseloads due to limited budgets, Florida's CFO wants the state to provide millions to Trump, who testified recently that his net worth is in excess of $10 billion and that his Florida home is the most expensive in the world.

Yes, the state of Florida is likely to use TAXPAYER money to fund Trump's (a supposed BILLIONAIRE) legal fees for all manner of criminal conduct, including an attempt to OVERTHROW THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.

Meanwhile, Florida ranks third in the country for the number of homeless, at around 30,000. Oh, and large chunks of the state are going to be underwater within a few decades.

These people are psychotic.

1 comment:

thevoid99 said...

How about a bullet to the head?