The Wall Street Journal

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Debate

I watched the entirety of the debate tonight between President Joe Biden and the Convicted Felon Trump. It was a terrible debate by Biden, as the media is really anxious to tell you. He lost his train of thought a couple of times, he seemed older than he has in the past, and he seriously turned some home run topics into singles (for example, abortion should have been an easy grand slam). I didn't like all his answers and he let himself get pulled off-topic way too often. 

The convicted felon still spoke from crazy town, took credit for a bunch of Biden's accomplishments, got increasingly unhinged and racist, and lied and lied and lied. (Good job with the NO FACT CHECKING, CNN).

But, on election day, the choice is still between a caring, knowledgeable, competent civil servant, who is obviously a bit past his prime, but who has thoughtfully served the American people for decades, and a compulsively lying, ignorant, narcissistic, racist, convicted felon who's only running because he's too psychotic to take a loss, and it's the only way he stays out of jail for the rest of his life.

I only hope enough of the American people see that. Because if the Convicted Felon wins again, we're screwed.


Anonymous said...

Sadly I think there’s a good chance we’re screwed. 🥲

thevoid99 said...

I didn't watch the debate because I knew it was going to be bad. We're so fucked no matter what.

Ipecac said...

But we're not screwed if Biden is reelected. Because he's still pushing to help the American people. I know you don't like his Israel policy, and neither do I. But he'll still support raising taxes on the rich, expanding healthcare, restoring abortion rights and more. And even if he gets physically worse, his administration will still be in place. That's WAY preferable to the people Convicted Felon Trump will bring in.