Friday, January 24, 2025

Snitches don't get stitches

Hey, this is totally normal in a non-fascist country!

Below is part of the email that all federal agencies were forced to send to their employees earlier this week.
We are aware of efforts by some in government to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language. If you are aware of a change in any contract description or personnel position description since November 5, 2024 to obscure the connection between the contract and DEIA or similar ideologies, please report all facts and circumstances to within 10 days.

There will be no adverse consequences for timely reporting this information.  However, failure to report this information within 10 days may result in adverse consequences.
It's totally normal for federal employees to be threatened to snitch on their co-workers, especially for the grievous crime of, hmm, let's see. Oh, yeah, hiring qualified people to add different viewpoints and life experiences to your agency. What a crime!

I was just kidding above. This is NOT normal and is definitely SUPER-fascist. Yay!

It would be a shame if thousands of people spammed that email address.

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