Monday, February 04, 2008

America's Misplaced Priorities

Today the President submitted to Congress his $3 trillion budget. It pretty much ignores the actual costs of the Iraq "war" and, bizarrely, predicts a budget surplus in a few years. Of course, despite the projected annual deficit of $407 billion, Bush still wants his tax cuts made permanent, the passage of a $150 billion "stimulus" package, and he extends abstinence education programs (that don't work).

So what does he propose we cut? Funding for after-school programs, career and technical education grants, weatherization assistance, community development grants, and a public housing revitalization program that the House just overwhelmingly reauthorized. Also, "a $301 million program that trains 4,700 pediatricians and pediatric sub-specialists at children's teaching hospitals also would be eliminated, at a time when pediatric sub-specialties, such as rheumatology and pulmonology, face critical shortages." Washington Post

Holy crap are our priorities misplaced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, President Bush knows that this is the first step toward socialized medicine and, then, watch out--full-fledged Communism.