Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The first step

This morning, for the first time in my life, I voted as a Democrat in the Maryland primaries. I had been a registered Republican since I was 18 until a couple of months ago. I switched parties because I cannot in good conscience support the Republican party after the last 7 years of Republican rule.

The Republicans have championed divisive politics. They have retarded scientific endeavor. They have given up any notions of fiscal responsibility (although they still disingenously try to label the Democrats as big spenders). They have embraced the radical religious right. They have engaged in corruption after corruption. They have favored big business interests over the American public time and time again. They have overextended the military, invading Iraq before the job was done in Afghanistan, and now both countries are disasters from which it's going to be very painful to withdraw. They have lied, obfuscated, and acted irrationally.

That's the short list. If you've been paying any sort of attention over the past seven years, you should be able to add many more items of shame.

I would be registered as an independent, but to vote in the primaries in Maryland, you have to be registered to a party. So, I am now a registered Democrat.

Let's hope this election is the first step in restoring America's reputation and place in the world.


ahtitan said...

Having known you since you were 17, I know what a big thing this is. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Having survived your and Dan Silver's scorn for voting for Gore in 2000, I think you should rend your clothes and say "you were right, oh wise one." :)