Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hilarious irony

If you watch any shows on Fox (it's okay to admit it), you've probably seen commercials for this week's episode of "Moment of Truth", Fox's horrific new game show where contestants take a lie detector test before the show and are then asked embarrassing questions on air for fabulous cash prizes. If they "lie" during the game, they lose whatever money they've won.

Now, putting aside the inherent unreliability of lie detectors - they measure stress, not truth - this seems like the easiest game show ever. (Deal or No Deal is probably easier to play, but less easy to win big money and you have to deal with Howie.) All you have to do in Moment of Truth is TELL THE TRUTH. But people keep screwing up and not winning any money after humiliating themselves on national TV.

Back to this week's episode. In the commercials, a blond woman is asked whether or not she'd rather be married to an ex-boyfriend than her husband of two years. In the commercial she answers "yes". Knowing that commercials are often misleading, I wasn't sure that her answer was actually in response to that question, but sure as heck wasn't going to watch the show to find out. Well, it turns out, it was.
On Monday's show - taped two weeks ago - Lauren's ex-boyfriend made a surprise appearance and asked: "Do you believe I am the man you should be married to?" As Frank Cleri grimaced on the sidelines, his wife said, "Well, wow, um. I'm going to be honest and say yes." The lie-detector results said she was being truthful, and she was awarded $100,000.
She then was awarded another $100,000 when she answered truthfully that she cheated on her husband. So, she got some action, and $100K. Sweet.

And here's the hilarious part. The next question was "Do you think you're a good person?" She answered "yes". The lie detector test said she was lying and she lost all the money. She lost the money because she doesn't really believe she's a good person. Now she's poor and has low self-esteem.

So let's recap shall we?

Want to be married to old boyfriend? $100,000.

Cheated on husband? $100,000

Lose all money and be humiliated in front of 8 million people? Priceless.

1 comment:

Gage said...

I can't imagine watching that show but know that there are plenty of red state voters who will. I'm sure they will add it to their favorites Jerry Springer and Maury Povich (until recently I had no idea these shows were still on the air).