Thursday, February 28, 2008

An Idiot Supports The Panderer

I used to really like and respect John McCain. He was a moderate Republican who stood against the tide of the far right and some of the more outrageous positions taken by the Republican administration over the past 8 years. But at some point, McCain decided that it was worth his reputation and integrity to pander to those same far right elements in order to get elected.

Now that he's the front runner, nothing has changed.

Mega-Church Pastor in Texas Backs McCain
Senator John McCain got support on Wednesday from an important corner of evangelical Texas when the pastor of a San Antonio mega-church, Rev. John C. Hagee, endorsed Mr. McCain for president. Mr. Hagee, who argues that the United States must join Israel in a preemptive, biblically prophesized military strike against Iran that will lead to the second coming of Christ, praised Mr. McCain for his pro-Israel views.

Asked about Mr. Hagee’s extensive writings on Armageddon and about what one questioner said was Mr. Hagee’s belief that the anti-Christ will be the head of the European Union, Mr. McCain responded that “all I can tell you is that I am very proud to have Pastor John Hagee’s support.'’
Yes, I, too, would be proud to have the support of a dumb-as-dirt, superstitious, bigot who thinks a foreign head of state will be the anti-christ and wants us to bomb other countries to bring about the end of the world so Jesus will return and smite everyone who doesn't believe in this nonsense. Sheesh.


Anonymous said...

I agree it's distressing but, playing Devil's Advocate (ironic, huh?), here are a couple of points. First, McCain has been all over the board on a lot of things but really never claimed to be anything but a conservative. Second, that's politics. Gore and Bradley were racing to kiss Al Sharpton's ass in 2000 and Obama isn't going to disavow Farrakahn's support. And both Obama and Clinton are making all sorts of statements in Ohio about how bad NAFTA is and how we are going to bring jobs back without having any idea of how to do that. McCain obviously has pandered to the right, but that's the only way to win the Republican nomination.

I would be a lot more concerned if I thought McCain really believed this crap, ie, if he was Bush.
I would bet that Hagee is not really all that excited about McCain but is trying to make the best of a bad situation from his standpoint. And McCain didn't exactly endorse Hagee's views; basically, he said, I'm sure glad he wants me to win.

Ipecac said...


Here's a more detailed blog post on this point:

Anonymous said...

I think the really chilling point is that Hagee is actually mainstream enough-at least within the Republican cult--to have his endorsement mean something. I doubt that any candidate in the 50s or 60s would have felt compelled to respond to an endorsement by, say, the John Birch Society or even the KKK in the South.