Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jamie's (James S. Voss, Col. USA. Ret.) got a gun

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station apparently have access to a gun.

Space Station has a gun

The gun is part of a crash landing survival pack stored in the Soyuz space capsule the astronauts can use to return to Earth in the event of an emergency. Apparently, the Russians are concerned that the capsule might accidently land in the future when apes rule the planet. Or maybe they're worried about Klingons trying to board the station. The gun will be particularly useful if one of the astronauts goes nuts, provided one of the not insane astronauts gets to the gun first. In any event, don't mess with the astronauts, because they're packing heat.

Remember, if guns are outlawed in space, only outlaws will have guns on the International Space Station.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those Russians know what they are doing. Any space criminal will now think twice about going after the space station. And could you actually fire the gun in zero G? Wouldn't it float or something?

Anyway, they should have put a phaser on board; you can kill a lot more people with a phaser than with a gun.