Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Next on the History Channel: Crap we completely made up!

These days it's not too often you seem some good critical thinking and skepticism in a newspaper article about woo woo, much less in a TV review.
"UFO Hunters" unfolds much like "Ghost Hunters" on Sci Fi but without the fun and colorful characters. It's basically a bunch of guys with fancy gear and quasiacademic credentials who use a lot of pseudoscientific jargon to justify a TV snipe hunt. Bill Birnes, publisher of something called "UFO Magazine," rattles around rather nervously. He has all of the scholarly gravitas of Dan Aykroyd in "Ghostbusters."
That's Kevin McDonough reviewing the History Channel's new show, "UFO Hunters". The History Channel? Sheesh.

Check out the complete review here.

Bravo, Mr. McDonough!


Eric Haas said...

Both the History Channel and the Discovery Channel, while they do have a fair amount of good shows, show way too much garbage like this. With all the skepticism-challenged UFO programs the History Channel runs, they could start a Ufology Channel.

Anonymous said...

Agree, you have to be very careful with the History Channel. Lots of crap on it now. The better stuff is often late at night or early in the morning when they figure no one is watching anyway. It's becoming increasingly like A&E, which used to be a very good channel but has now slipped into crapology for the most part. PBS always does consistently good stuff.

Eric Haas said...

Even PBS has it’s share of crap, like Deepak Chopra and Gary Null.

ahtitan said...

I've noticed the prevalence lately on History and Discovery channels, and even CNN, to do shows about Noah's Ark, or Who Jebus Really Was, with no indication that it's all hooey. Should the Ark really be put forth as "history?"