Monday, February 25, 2008

Wow, that was quick

Here's a really interesting story from Ricky Gervais.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to start the same argument but I don't see why he assumes that being an atheist is a priori better than being a believer, just as I don't see why being a believer is a priori better than being an atheist. It seems to me that atheists are just as obsessed as fundamentalists in showing that they are happier than believers. My feeling is, to each their own as long as they leave me alone. Certainly, I don't like fundies because they don't leave me alone but I'm offended by the guy's offhand assumption that he has discovered the meaning of life and everyone who disagrees is wrong. So, he's an atheist--wonderful, go write some more funny TV shows. Atheists have become the mirror-image of fundamentalists--just because you believe in God doesn't mean you can't also appreciate the wonder of science and nature (and, of course, vice versa). And, obviously, not all believers are fundamentalists and anti-science. It's become sort of this childish game among atheists to see how many believers (or, more accurately, fundamentalists)you can piss off.

Ok, I can see you rolling your eyes!

Ipecac said...

Heavens! You're right. How dare he be excited about his lack of belief? The nerve!

He has every right to be enthusiastic. He's celebrating his own enlightenment. Should Newton not have shouted "Eureka!" when he formulated his laws of motion? Should Columbus not have high-fived his first mate when his ships didn't fall off the edge of the world?

Being an atheist *is* a priori better than being a believer because the atheist has the virtue of being correct. (The lack of evidence of God speaks volumes to the correctness of the position.) Just as it's better to believe in modern medicine and not homeopathy. Just as it's better to believe in gravity and not that you'll float through the air when you jump off a high building.

It's a terribly difficult thing to give up superstitious beliefs. Your attitude is a good indicator why it's so difficult. I've never understood why you get so bent out of shape when someone celebrates the fact that they've dumped millenia of superstition.

Should all the atheists just shut up then? Would that solve your problem? Maybe those scientists too. Why, they're no better than the creationists!

Check this out:

ahtitan said...

Another reason being an atheist is better than being a believer is that atheism isn't inherently harmful, whereas religion is.