Saturday, April 11, 2009

Um, I remember something about Britney Spears getting divorced, so I should be able to prevent that from happening.

I have often thought about what a mediocre time-traveller I'd be. My knowledge of history, while doubtless greater than the average human, is still sketchy on dates and specifics. My knowledge of science and technology is also above average, but still not up to snuff for raising up older civilizations. I mean, Doc Brown could turn 19th century technology into an ice-maker, but I'm sure I couldn't do it.

How humiliating would it be to arrive in the past with the goal of improving things, only to discover you don't actually know how to make penicillin or create electricity? Epic fail.

Fortunately, this bit of brilliance from Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics, available in shirt form at TopatoCo, will save your bacon and make you the master of any historical time period you wish to improve. It will also make you unbelievably rich and more famous than Newton, Einstein, and Cochrane of Alpha Centauri all rolled together. (Click on image to embiggen).

This idea is so brilliant, I may have to go back in time and take credit for it.

Thanks to Gizmodo for the tip.

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