Sunday, April 12, 2009

Until puberty, they'll just cuddle

This type of thing is so easy to criticize and so universally condemned that it's almost not worth the effort to mention it here. Here in the United States we're engaged in "culture wars" over whether the United States will exist in the early 20th or 21st century. In most of the Muslim countries it seems to be more a question of whether they'll exist in the 13th or 19th centuries.
A Saudi mother is expected to appeal a judge's ruling after he once again refused to let her 8-year-old daughter divorce a 47-year-old man, a relative said.

Sheikh Habib Al-Habib made the ruling Saturday in the Saudi city of Onaiza. Late last year, he rejected a petition to annul the marriage.

The case, which has drawn criticism from local and international rights groups, came to light in December when Al-Habib declined to annul the marriage on a legal technicality. His dismissal of the mother's petition sparked outrage and made headlines around the world.


The girl's husband pledged not to consummate the marriage until the girl reaches puberty, according to al-Jutaili, who added that the girl's father arranged the marriage to settle his debts with the man, who is considered "a close friend."

Yeah, I'll just bet this 47 year old guy will wait until puberty. And then, when she's eleven or twelve years old, consummating the marriage will be perfectly appropriate.

Way to go guy. Score!

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