Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The IRS "scandal"

Bob Cesca has the right take on the IRS Scandal which is giving Republicans another chance to bash government workers.
So where are we with this? We're fairly certain the scandal is contained within the IRS itself without any real linkage to the White House. We also know via Stephen Colbert that many of these groups are essentially money-laundering fronts. We also know that the IRS commissioner at the time was a Bush appointee. We also know that none of the tea party groups were disbanded or penalized by the IRS. We also know that none of the groups that were scrutinized under the "9/12″, "Tea Party" or "patriots" keywords were denied 501(c)4 status. Not one. Yet several liberal groups were denied.
In spite of the facts as we know them, Republicans everywhere are behaving as if they're the only political faction to have ever been scrutinized by the government.
Say, did you know the Republicans plan to vote on two bills this week that include language to eliminate federal funding for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN for short? Well they are. And did you know that ACORN doesn't exist any more? Well it doesn't, thanks to… what was it? Oh yeah, the Republican inquisition against ACORN because of a prank video created by a known scam artist who falsified the videos (according to two investigations and the Government Accountability Office) and was successfully sued for his efforts.
That's not stopping the Republicans who are, indeed, exploiting government power and authority to single out a non-profit organization as a means of exacting political revenge. They're doing to ACORN exactly what they say the IRS did to tea party groups.
Of course the Republican position is hypocritical to the extreme and it's not surprising that they're ignoring the actual reality of how the IRS works and what job they are supposed to be doing. But continually going after a long defunct group is just flat out crazy and should automatically disqualify you from serving in Congress. If you voted for one of these clowns, how do you justify this in your own mind? I'd really like to know.

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