A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lesser crimes?

As we sit here on the evening before the public impeachment hearings start, let me remind you of a couple of Trump's greatest hits. And remember that these are things we AREN'T impeaching him for.
An ongoing joint investigation between The Associated Press and the PBS series Frontline on the treatment of migrant children under U.S. watch has found his administration jailed an unprecedented 69,550 kids in the past year. “That’s more children detained away from their parents than any other country, according to United Nations researchers.”
. . .
In just one example cited in the investigation, U.S. officials took a three-year-old Honduran toddler from her dad last March—keep in mind the administration has supposedly been blocked from separating families under a June 2018 court order—and put her into a foster home where another child molested her. “As the days passed, she began urinating on herself and seemed unable to eat or drink, a foster parent said in the records,” the investigation said.
For three weeks, the dad didn’t know where his three-year-old was, kept totally in the dark by officials. When he finally did get to talk to her on the phone, she was hysterical, and accused him of abandoning her. “I don’t love you Daddy, you left me alone,” he said the sobbing child told her.  Link
We should all be horrified and ashamed that this is the United States. If you think this is okay, then you can go fuck yourself.

And here's the other, coming a day after Veteran's Day.
A New York judge has ruled that President Trump must pay $2 million in damages to settle claims that the Trump Foundation misused funds. The money will go to a group of charities, and the foundation is in the process of dissolving.
The case is tied to a televised fundraiser for veterans held by Trump in Iowa when he was running for president in January 2016. Trump had said the funds raised would be distributed to charities. But according to court documents, the Trump Foundation improperly used $2.82 million it received from that fundraiser.
According to the judgment, that money "was used for Mr. Trump's political campaign and disbursed by Mr. Trump's campaign staff, rather than by the Foundation," which is unlawful. However, Justice Saliann Scarpulla says the funds did eventually reach charity organizations supporting veterans.  Link
Trump only gave the money to veteran's groups AFTER he received a butt-load of bad publicity for giving charitable funds meant for veterans to his campaign.

Yeah, he has a lot more to answer for than just trying to blackmail a foreign country to interfere in our elections on his behalf. That's what a swell guy he is.

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