A reminder of who they are

Thursday, November 07, 2019

It's only a lifetime appointment. What's the worst that could happen?

For decades, the American Bar Association has examined Presidential nominees for judges and issued recommendations to the Senate. Typically, if the ABA ranks someone as "unqualified" they are pulled from contention. In the Trumpublican party, unqualifieds get lifetime appointments to the bench.
In that vein, McConnell stumped for himself, touting having gotten so many Trump judges into office. "My motto is 'leave no vacancy behind,'" he bragged. Never mind that the nominees he's been pushing through have less than stellar qualifications. In fact, since 1989 only 21 judicial nominees have been rated unqualified by the American Bar Association. More than one-quarter of them were nominated by Trump in the last three years-eight of them, in fact. Just ponder that for a bit. President Obama didn't nominate a single unqualified judge, but Trump has had eight in just three years. It took George W. Bush two terms to pick the nine unqualified candidates he racked up.
Obama nominated ZERO unqualified judges. Trump nominated 8 so far and between him and George W, they nominated 17 of the 21. Why would they do this? Because those unqualified, partisan "judges" will rule the way Republicans want them to, without regards to the actual law.

Republican integrity in action.

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