A reminder of who they are

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Must Flee TV

Oh for the love of . . .
According to three people with knowledge of the situation and another source close to Trump, Apprentice creator Mark Burnett and the president have sporadically kept in touch, mostly over the phone, since Trump won the election. … and have discussed reviving their creative partnership, pitching each other details on potential TV projects to be filmed after the Trump presidency.
One of the ideas kicked around by Burnett and the president was shooting a new version of the Trump-branded Apprentice, tentatively titled The Apprentice: White House, and to produce it shortly after the president leaves office. This time, however, the TV program would be explicitly politics-themed and take full advantage of Trump’s status as a former president of the United States and a newfound Republican kingmaker.  Link
This will be an awesome way to uphold the dignity of the office.

Here are the only reality shows I want to see Trump in.

Here's a picture of the cast:

I'll watch the hell out of that!

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