A reminder of who they are

Sunday, January 26, 2020

A message to the "Pro-Life" marchers

Friday was the annual "March for Life" where thousands of evangelicals swarm into DC to rally for taking away women's rights. Every year the Metro is crowded with teenagers and middle-schoolers, all wearing the same hat, or carrying the same sign, and they clog the downtown food courts. That's because religious schools bus students in for the rally to propagandize the students and boost the rally numbers.

I get where the pro-lifers are coming from. When I was in high school and college I was very, very anti-abortion. It's very easy when you're on the pro-life side to take the absolute position that a fertilized egg is already a baby and babies shouldn't be killed. There's no actual science behind it, it's a statement of faith and religion is really the ONLY reason people are ever anti-abortion.

My response at the time to those who claimed it was a matter of women's rights was that if you don't want to get pregnant, then don't have sex. Which is, of course, an astonishingly naive and uninformed thing to say.  Eventually I grew up to realize that even if I were against people having abortions, I DON'T GET TO MAKE THAT DECISION FOR SOMEONE ELSE. It's a decision that should be left up to the woman. And of course, it's a Constitutionally protected human right and forcing women to give birth is morally wrong.

In any event, on Friday Trump became the first President to directly address the rally, which he did, mostly staying on script. Of course, the evangelicals ate it up.

So here's a message from me to the Pro-Lifers.
Trump doesn't give a rat's ass for your cause.
Trump has likely paid for a bunch of abortions over his life.
He was at the rally entirely because he knows you would cheer for every stupid thing he said and he LOVES getting cheers and applause.
He is playing you for rubes.
Once he no longer needs your support, he will drop this issue like a former mistress.
It could be rightly argued that the pro-lifers are playing Trump right back. They support him only because he's a useful idiot on this issue. But I think a lot of them, especially indoctrinated kids, really do think he's awesome and are too ignorant to understand what he's doing.

This is like almost all other issues, where Trump has no actual ideas or policies, he just does what he's told or what he thinks his base wants. That's the extent of Trump's policy thoughts.

To repeat, Trump is only anti-abortion because people who are anti-abortion will cheer and vote for him. And evangelicals have sold out their supposed morality once again.

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