A reminder of who they are

Monday, January 27, 2020

A light in these dark times

The impeachment trial of Trump has been both inspiring, for the meticulous, fact-intensive, rational, case made by the House managers, and worthy of despair from the Republicans abandoning all thought, reason and patriotism for their know-nothing, see-nothing defense of the despot.

It's actually been pretty rough on me emotionally as I watch our democracy flail to remove this wannabe autocrat. But I try to take solace from the fact that every day there are heroes fighting to save our country from its worst impulses and the nightmare path we're on.

If you need some uplifting, watch this and know that smart, dedicated, patriotic Americans are fighting the good fight.

The impeachment will not remove the President because all Republican Senators are members of the Trump cult. They have given up all honor and failed in their duty to this country. We the People will have to act in November, resoundingly and finally.

1 comment:

The Giver of the Law said...

It will be disastrous for America if anyone other than Trump is elected in November because all the liars and hypocrites and cowards and deceivers who are queuing up to replace him are even bigger crooks and con artists than he is ! ! !.