A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Welcome to Hell, you horrid asshole

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it's a common courtesy to put aside any differences you might have with them and empathize with their struggle. Cancer is a nasty disease (actually many diseases) and battling it is as difficult as anything people do.

This week, Rush Limbaugh revealed that he has advanced lung cancer. Of course, with millions of dollars, he can afford to fight it like most of us cannot, but he's still in for a lot of pain, suffering and very possibly, death.

So, I'd like to set aside all politics for a minute and sincerely say to Rush:

Fuck you, I can't wait until you're dead.

Rush Limbaugh is a lying, racist, hateful douchebag. He is directly responsible for a big chunk of the conservative bubble whereby Republicans don't see the reality around them and constantly preach violence and hatred towards women, minorities, the LBGTQ, immigrants, and those of us who disagree with them. Rush Limbaugh is one of the principal authors of our divided country and through his advocacy of terrible, hateful policies has caused the deaths of countless human beings.

Rush Limbaugh deserves death and though I am not eager to deal out death and judgement, I will not shed a tear for Limbaugh. We'll all be better off when he's dead.

I don't believe in Hell, but if it exists, it's waiting eagerly for Limbaugh.

(And tonight Trump devalued the Presidential Medal of Freedom by giving it to this sack of shit. Awesome.)

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

Not only am I glad he has cancer, I'm glad he has a super painful version of cancer. Especially after years of denying the dangers of second-hand smoke.