Thursday, December 16, 2021

Anti-Vaxx Chronicles

The Daily Kos has been running a series of articles documenting some of the many, many (usually Conservative) Americans who have flouted COVID protection protocols, mocked mask-wearing, and spread vaccine disinformation via social media, before they got sick themselves. The articles detail a tragic collection of morons around the country who took the health of their family and themselves for granted and mocked those who tried to save them, until their lives ended.

But at least they owned the libs before they died.

If you're interested in how far people will go to deny reality in service of a dumpster fire of a human being, and enjoy huge doses of stupidity and irony, check out some of the articles at the link below. (If you see yourself in the first paragraph above, you also should check out the articles because they may just save your life.)

The Anti-Vaxx Chronicles.

Please note that compassionate (i.e. liberal/progressive) people take no joy in these people dying on the altar of Trump. But by their actions, they've taken so many people with them to the grave, created so many orphans, and prolonged this pandemic for years longer than necessary, that all I can say is fuck them. You can only try for so long to make people see reason. At some point . . . yeah, just fuck them.

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