Monday, December 20, 2021

Out of touch rich guy dooms us all

Within the next century, after millions of people have been displaced from their homes by rising ocean levels, after millions have starved due to the collapse of farming in many parts of the world, after entire countries are destroyed by rising civil unrest, people will look back and blame this asshole.

This is Senator Joe Manchin, the Democratic senator from West Virginia. He's a "conservative" Democrat and since Biden became President, he's been an anchor to the progressive agenda, standing in the way of legislation that would help millions of Americans. He announced yesterday (on FOX News of course) that he won't vote for Biden's Build Back Better plan, despite the hard work of both the President and Senate Democrats to accommodate Manchin's numerous whims. 

Build Back Better includes child care payments to low income people, lifting at least 50,000 West Virginians (and their children) out of poverty. It would lower insulin costs to no more than $35 a month (rather than the $1,000 that many people pay now). Both of these would be hugely beneficial to Manchin's home state, since West Virginia has some big problems. The Bill also includes, probably most importantly, climate change provisions which will help humanity avoid the grim future I outlined above.

Why is Manchin scuttling Democratic legislation? His own explanations are disingenuous and specious, especially in light of his recent vote to spend over $750 billion on the military, citing "inflation" and "the debt". The real reason he's been a roadblock to progress is because of fossil fuel donors and that he gets most of his money from his coal mining interests. He will do anything to preserve that income. 

In short, Joe Manchin is selling out this country, his own constituents, and no less than the future of humanity in order to selfishly become more rich than he already is.

The judgement of history will not be kind.

(Don't get me wrong, Republicans will be judged even more harshly, since not a single one is voting for this package or really any legislation that would help fight climate change. Because they'd rather that humanity perish before they'd help anyone other than the rich.)

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