A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Justice Neil Gorsuch is a dick

What a shock. The guy who stole Merrick Garland's Supreme Court seat is a huge asshole. (Spoiler: We already knew this.)

That’s a revelation in an NPR report that said Gorsuch refuses to wear a face mask to protect against COVID-19 ― even as the other justices do so amid the omicron surge.

Worse, the conservative justice refuses to go along with the public safety measure, although Chief Justice John Roberts has asked everyone on the court to mask up out of respect for Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who has had diabetes since childhood. Diabetes is a high-risk factor for developing severe COVID-19. Five of the justices, including Sotomayor, are older than 65, another risk factor.

Worse still: Gorsuch’s seat on the bench is right next to Sotomayor’s.
Nothing like endangering your co-workers. Of course, since the far-right Justices recently ruled that the Biden Administration couldn't mandate that large businesses require vaccinations to protect their employees, Gorsuch is at least consistent with the pro-COVID position. The rest of the conservative Justices are just hypocrites (and also assholes).

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